

This page is for anyone new to tournaments or anyone who is just interested in what is involved in competing. 

Entering a tournament

You can enter a tournament/advise your availability through our website


When you say you are available for a tournament you are then committed to that date, even if you can’t make it you will be charged for the tournament, if you can’t make it your team might not be able to race.

The team sheets go in at the very latest 8am the morning of the race with dog names and handlers written down it can’t be changed after this, dogs can only run for one team on one day.

As most tournaments are full weekends you may be required on the Saturday or the Sunday so be prepared for it to be either day. Some will also run a Monday multibreed race if there’s a bank holiday Monday on the weekend. Camping is available at most tournaments from the Friday afternoon until after the tournament ends on the Sunday/Monday. There are toilets and normally food vans on site, the details for all the tournaments can be found on the BFA website and most will list what facilities are available on site.

If you are travelling on the day of the tournament, please arrive in plenty of time at least 30 mins before due to race. Be aware that some divisions can run quicker or slower or even change on the day.

If you have a small height dog, you may need to get them measured before racing and this is only done before the days racing takes place around 7.30am/7.45am. The dog measuring officials and the equipment are only around first thing on each day. You will need to know your dog’s BFA number to be measured, they will need to stand still on a platform without a harness on or being held.

At the start of the day at 8am there’s a quick team briefing which all team captains attend then racing starts. At the end of the days racing there is a presentation, it’s nice to attend the presentation to support your team and the other teams who have raced for the day even if you are not receiving a rosette.

If there are any problems on the day of arriving at the tournament, please let us know as soon as possible. The racing will not wait for late arrivals and it may mean the team can’t race for the day so you will be letting your team members and dogs down.


When you say your availability you will also need to say if you want to camp and for how many nights, sometimes there’s a charge per night, sometimes it’s a charge for the weekend no matter if you only do 1 night.
We all camp together as a team; sometimes individual pitches are marked out sometimes team spaces are marked out. When pitching please be mindful of other team members, some dogs do not like other dogs wandering into their camping pitches also ask if you are unsure about where to camp or how is best to set up. Dogs need to be on leads or crates or able to stay behind netting/windbreaks if left loose.
If individual pitches are not marked out, we need to make sure there’s enough space left for all our team members to camp. Please try to think about how you get in and out of your camping area and past teammates with your dogs.


This is when your dog is put onto the running sheet (at 8am in the morning) and you are able to enter the ring with the team they are written down for.

You might just be in the ring with them getting experience. If so stay out the way near the back of the ring.

You may be doing run backs in the warmup time, if so be ready at the box end with your dog there’s only 2 mins warm up and the whole team needs to warm up.

You may be tagging onto the end of the warm up time and doing a leg, or you may be running an odd leg in the race so be ready, know what side your dog takes the ball from normal or goofy where you let go from and which way you run after sending your dog.

If your dog wees or poos in the ring use the spray to clean it up (try to ensure they have been before entering the ring)

If your dog crosses onto the other side call them and get them to come back as quickly and safely as possible, your dog may be marked as “interference” if it crosses over at any point even in the run back area. Depending upon the reason for interference if it continues you may not be able to race for the rest of the day and it will be recorded on your dog’s record.


Block racing is where you do 3 sets of up to 5 legs in the morning then have a break then 2 sets of up to 5 legs in the afternoon. Staggered racing is where you race at random times throughout the day doing 1 set of up to 5 legs then have a break.
In both you will do the same amount of racing if enough teams have entered. Sometimes you may race an empty lane if a team has had to withdraw. Staggered racing normally uses an online app called Flyball Geek to inform you of what race it’s up to. Block racing normally has an announcement telling you where the racing is up to.

Sometimes the other team may run NFC this is where supports like nets can be used but the team will not be awarded any rosettes and the dogs will not be able to claim any points.

In starters you may only run 3 legs x 5 times through the day (so not the 1st to 3 wins but just 3 legs)

Once your dog gains over 200 points in starters you move into open and cannot compete in starters again unless your dog retires and comes back into starters to help younger dogs progress. (If there was a problem and your dog needed to return to starters your team captain has to apply to the committee stating why the dog needs to go back to starters and the committee will make a decision)

Sometimes there is a dinner break and sometimes there isn’t. It depends upon how quickly the racing is going for the day. The aim is to finish around 5/6pm. There is a presentation done at the end of each days racing where certificates are handed out for points gained, judges are given thank you gifts and teams are given rosettes normally 1st,2nd,3rd places.

Remember even if you are not racing your own dog the team might need support for another division. You can still help with dog holding, ball collecting, wings in and out, jump board in and out, doing the line, assisting getting the box in and out, lining up the box, putting the jumps at the right height etc.

As a rule, when racing there should be no more than 9 team members in the ring at one time. 6 dogs and handlers, line, ball collector and box loader. You could also show encouragement from the outside of the ring.

You will hear us saying we are on standby, this is when it’s time to be near the ring having your dog ready, treats/rewards ready, check if we are blue or red lane, is everyone here, head down to the box end if you are doing run backs, make sure the box loader knows which side your dog takes the ball and what order you are running if you are doing full legs.

When entering the ring we are on a 2-minute timer to warm up in this time we need to get the box in, lined up, pegged down, jumps the right height, runbacks and run ups done.

Make sure you know where your dog is running from, mark it with your lead if you need to, what order you are running in or if you are first on what light you let go, where you run to and what side, be aware of the next person behind you who needs to see the lane and where to release their dog, even if you are last dog there may be a fault so you may have a dog following you get your dog and move them safely and quickly to the right side.

If you get a light its ok just get your dog and be ready to run again at the end.

If there are 5 or 6 dogs you may not run every leg to allow everyone to have a fair share.

Once the race is complete leave the ring as quickly as possible allow the other team coming in to get in 1st as their warm up time is ticking down.

If you are 1st dog the idea is your dog goes through the gate on 0.00, if you are changing on a dog the idea is to get the noses to cross through the gate way. You might hear you need to tighten up this means you need to let go sooner or move forward towards the gate a bit. If you are too early you will get a light and may need to release later or back up a bit.

If you are 1st dog, you get 1 false start to try again you will then get a light and might need to run again at the end.

If you get a light be ready to run again at the end.

If you are 1st dog check your team is ready behind you when you are asked are you ready by the judge.

If there’s a box fault the box loader will stand with arms crossed the judge will stop the race and check the box, the box loader is not to touch the box once arms are crossed until the judge has checked it.

If there’s interference from the other side the racing will be stopped and there is an automatic win to the team who were interfered with and the dog is written down.

If a jump falls the judge will decide if racing continues, if it’s dangerous racing will stop and a re-run will happen.

Any decisions that are made by the divisional judge or head judge are final.

Outside the ring – try not to let your dog use the shared water bowls and baths around the outside of the ring due to kennel cough infection, bring your own or use a team member’s.

When waiting for the next race some dogs need space, ensure you are far enough away from the ring, so you don’t cause an obstruction for people to get in and out the ring. Or too close to cause a distraction to others racing.

When there’s a change of division some judges do not like you to enter the ring if they are not there, sometimes you can go and put the box in and jumps in but don’t enter until the judge says its ok.


If the head judge for the day thinks the weather is unsuitable for running either too hot, wet, cold etc the racing may be cut short to best of 3 legs not 5 or racing for the day may be stopped.


If your dog is unwell you will not be able to run. If you have had an injection for kennel cough there is an incubation period as it’s a live virus so you may not be able to mix with other dogs. Dogs in heat are not allowed to run and if your dog has had puppies there are guidelines as to when they can return to racing.

Running Order

Your Team Captain, Mandy, will decide which dogs are running in which teams. Mandy will send an email out with teams on it before the competition.


As quicker dogs come through slower dogs will move down to slower teams, this is a natural progression - remember your dog doesn’t care what team it’s in as long as it gets to have a go over jumps that are suitable for the age and height of the dog. All teams can still have competitive racing and come home with rosettes.

BFA Website

https://www.flyball.org.uk/ tells you the events available, flyball teams and dog points. The forum tells you individual details about events, camping plans and running orders.

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